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The corridor clean fire fighting equipment works
Updated:2014.10.30 Source: Clicks:

According to Choi Road Yuhuan patent was informed that according to "the people's Republic of China Trademark Law" twenty-fourth article: since itstrademark in the trademark registration applicant within six months of foreign firstapply for trademark registration date, and in the Chinese for identical goods of the same trademark application for trademark registration, in accordance with theforeign same China signed agreement or joint participation in international treaties,or in accordance with the principle of mutual recognition of priority, can enjoy the right of priority.

In accordance with the requirements of the right of priority shall, when filing the application for trademark registration to make the written declaration, and submit,within three months, a copy of the first proposed the application for trademark registration documents; fails to make the written declaration or fails to submit a copy of the documents of application for trademark registration, as did not claim the right of priority.

Choi Road Yuhuan patent said according to "people's Republic of ChinaTrademark Law" twenty-fifth: the first use of the trademark on display in the Chinese government sponsored or recognized international exhibitions on goods,within six months from the date of the goods on display, an applicant for registration of the trademark may enjoy the right of priority.

Choi Road Yuhuan patent remind according to the preceding paragraph claims the right of priority shall, when filing the application for trademark registration to make the written declaration, and within three months of submission for the goods produced exhibition, to use the trademark in the goods on display on the displaydate evidence, Zheng Mingwen; fails to make the written declaration or fails tosubmit the documents the claim for priority shall be deemed not.

According to "trademark law of the people's Republic of China Regulations for the implementation of" Twentieth: for the right of priority in accordance with the provisions of the trademark law the provisions of article twenty-fourth, the applicantsubmitted first presented a copy of the documents of application for trademark registration shall be approved by the competent authority of the trademark of the admissibility of the application proof, and indicate the date of application andapplication number.

Choi Road Yuhuan patent calls for the right of priority in accordance with theprovisions of article twenty-fifth of the trademark law, the applicant to submitsupporting documents should be approved by the administrative department for Industry and Commerce of the State Council institutions certification; International Exhibition Exhibition of its commodities except being held within the territory of china.