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To understand a variety of fire extinguisher to prevent when using trapped explosion
Updated:2011.02.14 Source: Clicks:

Fire extinguisher is a lot of more phyletic, according to its move pattern can be divided into: handheld and cart type; According to drive extinguisher power sources can be divided into: ChuQiPing type, reservoir pressure type, chemical reactive, According to the filling of extinguisher is also can be divided into: bubble, dry powder and halogenated cyclodienylsilane, carbon dioxide, acid and alkali, water etc.
A fire extinguisher, usually made barrel, applicator and nozzle, etc, with the help of components which blunt driver pressure will be installed suppressants jet, achieve the purpose of fire. Fire extinguisher cylinder is general by 1.2 to 1.5 millimeter of steel welding into, can withstand the pressure several mpa, some as high as 20 mpa. Fire extinguishers are used to put out the fire, but keeping and improper operation, can also exploded, so, how to avoid fire extinguisher explosion hurt?

First, carbon dioxide and halogenated cyclodienylsilane, storage pressure type powder fire extinguisher cannot stored in high temperature place, in order to avoid its occurrence physical explosion.

Second, after the use of the fire extinguisher strictly forbid disassembling and prevent existence fault extinguishers in disassembly process exploded, should be sent to the unit filling with maintenance qualified maintenance.

Third, if there's a fire extinguisher rustily and serious or cylinder deformation, and achieve discard of the fixed number of year, shall be immediately to stop the use and repair service unit.

Fourth, forbidden will fire extinguisher to scrap iron to sell, do the fire extinguishers should press pressure vessel of the regulations in barrel holes on.

Fifth, fire extinguishers in move in the process should be handled with care to avoid a collision after deformation explosion.