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The winter home fireproof avoid misunderstand
Updated:2012.11.27 Source:Zhejiang Fujie Fire fighting Equipment Co.,Ltd. Clicks:
Winter is a fire-prone period, the knowledge of the people to master fire escape is necessary. For example, indoor fire should always check the electrical wiring, to prevent the the wires overheating aging causes fire; attention to the safety of the use of fire gas, If the gas leak is found, it is necessary to quickly close the valve of the gas source and ventilate, do not touch the electrical switch and use an open flame, it is necessary to promptly notify the professional maintenance personnel to handle; attention to clean up indoor combustible handle cigarette butts, especially those who smoke, not to arbitrarily throw; make it clear escape routes in the event of fire, to rapidly evacuate safely fire .

Fu Jie Fire Equipment reminder: In case of fire to keep calm and orderly flee. If the channel is fireworks blocking should be back pyrotechnics direction to leave; valuables should not lust, to waste time on clothes or looking move valuables; fire filled with smoke, used wet towels, masks to cover his nose and mouth, crawl evacuation; such as the fire trapped indoors, Ying fire doors and windows closed and stuffed under the door with a wet towel, damp cloth to stop using water washout through the room, stick to be aid; easy to be found as far as possible in the balcony, window, shaking bright clothing or knocking things, sent out distress signals; hurriedly undressing or wallowing in place on fire, pressure extinguishing seedlings.

The residents homemade there will be some refused to give up the debris, many residents of the balcony as household debris warehouses. Some people even paint, motor gasoline and other flammable items are placed on the balcony, the balcony became a fire risk forested land.

Although some cities the new building has parking, but there are some residents often bike stopped on the stairs or the lower corridor. This case, especially in some of the old buildings, and even affect people's normal walking. In case of fires and other emergencies, the blocking of the channel will give to escape an obstacle.

First, the problem of electrical equipment. Such as aging, overloaded, illegal use of electric appliances. Kitchen with gas, oil accidentally. If you use liquefied petroleum gas stove, gas stove and gas stove, must be placed in the kitchen, not on the corridor or stairwell. Pay attention to check the stove for leaks. Conditional combustible gas alarm can be installed indoors. Open flame problem. Careless smoking of which the most prominent. Four residential private storage of dangerous goods. Fifth the private heap misplacing flammable debris within the corridor, do not, do not stack wood, linoleum, waste paper and other combustible balcony, the building's garbage channel, fail to burn things and not destroy the ashes, more can not be inside the ignition.

Once hit by the fire, and the public should first remain calm and quickly dial "119" alarm to the operator explicitly say the fire broke out, whether there are people trapped, the fire conditions and other relevant information, and fire engines to the adjacent road fork in the escorts.

Fu Jie Fire Equipment reminder: If trapped in the fire, and must not panic, be calm. If the fire is not immediately fight the blaze. If the fire is too large to be immediately managed to the turnaround escape. Escape, poured some cold water to the head, body, or with a wet towel, wet sheets head wrap wet blanket wet quilts, and bindeth up the body, and then out of the fire zone. Such as smoke, cover your mouth and nose can be used wet towels or masks, body low to the ground traveling or crawling through the danger zone. If not washed out, should be promptly transferred to other safe room, by the window or on the balcony, and suspension of eye-catching object shouted for help. Another point, should not eager for property, so as not to miss the best opportunity to escape.