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The basic principle of fire
Updated:2011.02.13 Source:Zhejiang Fujie Fire fighting Equipment Co.,Ltd. Clicks:
By burning must have several basic conditions can be learned, fire is to destroy burning conditions that termination combustion reaction process. Its basic principle sums up in the following four aspects: cooling, asphyxia, isolation and chemical inhibition.
1. Cooling for common extinguishing combustible, it can continue burning conditions is one of them in a flame or hot effect issued to their respective ignition temperature. Therefore, the general burnable fires, will combustible cooled to its flash point or flash point below, combustion reaction will be suspended. Water extinguishing mechanism mainly is cooling effect.
2. Suffocation fire-extinguishing: all kinds of undetermined combustion must be in its minimum oxygen concentration above or the burning cannot continued. Therefore, by reducing the air surrounding oxygen concentrations can rise to fire extinguishing role. Commonly used carbon dioxide, nitrogen, vapor etc extinguishing mechanism mainly is choking role.
3. Isolation fire-extinguishing: put combustibles away from lead fire or oxygen isolated, combustion reaction will be automatically suspended. Fire, closing valves, cut off the flow of fire burning gas and liquid channels, Open valves, make have happened combustion containers or threatened by the fire of combustible liquid container through pipes to lead to security area, are isolated extinguishing measures.
4. Chemical inhibition fire-extinguishing: is to use with a chain reaction of intermediates suppressants free-radical reaction, thus make the burning chain reaction to interrupt make burning cannot continued. Commonly used dry powder extinguisher and halogenated silane extinguisher main fire-extinguishing mechanism is chemical inhibition.