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Fire protection measures to be taken to Room
Updated:2011.01.22 Source:Zhejiang Fujie Fire fighting Equipment Co.,Ltd. Clicks:
1) Control flammable and explosive materials into the floor; control of flammable and explosive materials into the floor;

2) The rooms are not allowed to use high-power electronics; room are not allowed to use high-power electronics;

3) is strictly prohibited in the evacuation routes and fire facilities stacked articles; strictly prohibited in the evacuation routes and fire facilities stacked articles;

4) The attendant should always promote fire safety to the guests: waiter should always promote fire safety to the guests:

5) The attendant should be vigilant, constantly checking, found hidden, the waiter should be vigilant, constantly checking, found hidden, to take timely measures; timely measures; take measures

6) sprinkled over the guests drink should be particularly concerned about the (photo).