1, the fire detector fire detector is sensing automatic fire alarm system parts, is composed of a variety of automatic fire alarm system is an important component of automatic fire alarm system is the "sense organs." It on the fire parameters (smoke, temperature, flame radiation, gas concentration, etc.) response, and automatic fire alarm signal is generated, or sent to the control and indicating equipment status signal of the device field of fire. Fire detector is a key component in the system, his stability, reliability and sensitivity and other technical specifications are subject to many factors, so the selection and arrangement of fire detectors should be strictly in accordance with the specifications.
2, manual fire alarm button fire alarm system should be automatic and manual trigger device. Various types of fire detector is automatically triggering device, and in the fire district evacuation routes, stairs, etc. to set the manual fire alarm button is a manual trigger device, it should have emergency cases, the functions manually informed of the fire.
3, the fire alarm control fire alarm controller is the heart of automatic fire alarm system, has the following functions: (1) used to receive the signal and start the fire, the fire alarm device. The device can also be used to indicate fire location and recording the information. (2) start a fire through a fire alarm signal transmitting device, or through the automatic control device start the automatic fire extinguishing equipment and fire fighting linkage controller. (3) the right to automatically monitor the system operation and failure to say anything specific, light alarm.